Visual arts


Natalia Papadopoulou (Athens, 1989) is a filmmaker and visual artist
 who works with video art, new media and performance. She completed the Doc Nomads Joint Master Degree in Documentary Filmmaking, which is delivered by a consortium of three prominent European universities: the Luca School of Arts in Brussels, the Academy of Theatre and Film (SZFE) in Budapest and Lusofona University in Lisbon. She lives and works in Athens. Her work constitutes a kind of experiential investigation on how art can serve as a
catalyst that can help release the individual’s ‘poetic self’.

Ragweed, 2020

Ragweed, 2020

Zeinab’s hair,  2019

Zeinab’s hair, 2019

Inside joke, 2014

Inside joke, 2014

So, what about your dreams, daddy, dear?, 2014

So, what about your dreams, daddy, dear?, 2014

So, what about your dreams, daddy, dear?, 2014

So, what about your dreams, daddy, dear?, 2014