The PARAVAN, a workshop in collaboration with Victoria Square Project
The co-Living Room Community will be united by separation. The workshop will end up in the creation of common sculpture, a PARAVAN (folding screen) through personal insights around the concepts of travel, movement, route, trail and transition. The PARAVAN will enclose embroidery and sewing techniques, of which free motives, volumes and designs, a multilayer and textured surface will come up . Each participant will trace its personal journey harmoniously intertwined with that of his neighbor. At the end of the workshop, the individual artworks will be collected and composed to the final artwork, THE PARAVAN, which will be installed in the actual Living Room of Victoria Square Project.
Total number of participants: 30
Teams: 2
Workshops: 2 per team
Duration: 1,5 hour per workshop
Workshop design & co-ordination: Sevastiana Konstaki (Fellow 2020) & Maria Foka