ΕΧΗΙΒΙΤΙΟΝ & CONFERENCE “Art, a silent revolution” curated by Nicolas Vavmouklis

05.12.23 @ 19:00

Ω2 Complex, Athens Conservatoire

Virginia Russolo, Fountain 1, 2022

Angelos Papadopoulos, We Need to Talk about Father, 2021, Photo: Stathis Doganis

Angelos Papadopoulos, We Need to Talk about Father, 2021, Photo: Stathis Doganis

Elina Demirtzioglou & Aristeidis Lappas, The Portent Passage of Teras, 2022

The Hellenic Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family Affairs, completing its “Art, a silent revolution” program, presents an exhibition and a conference on 5, 6, and 7 December 2023 at the Athens Conservatoire.

It presents ten young artists and collectives from all over Greece selected through an open call to express how their work (visual arts, moving image, performance) can serve as a dynamic tool of social transformation and change. The program creates a forum for discussion on how to address violence, abuse, harassment, and bullying. By acknowledging and examining similar traumatic cases, the artists present their perspectives, suggesting ways to heal and prevent them individually and collectively. Their works transmit messages against oppression, stereotypes, prejudices, and inequalities.

How can young people build a new framework of empowerment that fosters visibility and inclusivity for all individuals? What is their role in awakening and shaping an egalitarian society where culture is the central drive for development? A parallel conference will bring together professionals from art and culture, representatives of the university community, politicians, educators, sociologists, and psychologists.

Participating artists: Dimitra Stavropoulou, Dimitris Kapetanou, Virginia Russolo, Eleanna Balesi, Sia-Efstathia Koutli, Elina Demirtzioglou & Aristeidis Lappas, Georgette Alimperti & Niki Theodoridi, Fotini Tatsi, Giorgos Palaeologos, Angelos Papadopoulos.

The program is curated by Nicolas Vamvouklis / K-Gold Temporary Gallery.

Opening: Tuesday 5/12, 19:00, Ω2 Complex, Athens Conservatoire
Exhibition opening hours: 6-7/12, 10:00-20:00
Conference opening hours: 6-7/12, 10:00-18:00

*Aristeidis Lappas, Angelos Papadopoulos and Nicolas Vamvouklis are SNF ARTWORKS Fellows