Μαλβίνα Παναγιωτίδη: It Was Evening All Afternoon


16.06.18 @ 19:30

Despoina Damaskou Architecture Studio

Η Μαλβίνα Παναγιωτίδη (ARTWORKS Fellow 2018) παρουσιάζει τη δουλειά της σε μια μονοήμερη έκθεση με τίτλο It Was Evening All Afternoon στις 16.06.2018. Η έκθεση θα λειτουργήσει από τις 19:30 μέχρι τις 01:30 μετά τα μεσάνυχτα.

Απόσπασμα από το κείμενο της έκθεσης:

The invitation to an intentional Hide N’ Show Decleration suggests a ‘single-day’ show by artists and architects; a moral imperative to do with the meeting place of the artwork presented; a direct experience; works of art that tell you what is happening at the moment, the moment you see it. The single day show form deals not with duration but with time , it emphasizes the momentousness of the moment in artist’s life; one moment is called HIDE, next moment is called SHOW; one moment ‘these things never happened but are always’, next moment ‘these things happen but never were’. Now we need to invent reality . Either way, anyway, it is always about now, both the now in which it is being created and the now it is being seen.